God’s Word: Simple, Clear, True

(Goes With RSK Lesson 2)

I love this Book.
It’s so simple. God spoke. And people wrote… what God told them to write. They wrote in their own languages, with the tools they had, using the words they used every day to talk to their kids and write instructions and make lists and compose letters to their friends.
And the things God told them to write about seem so… well… mundane. It was everyday stuff, like clouds and trees and donkeys and bread and fish and ordinary people who cry and laugh and argue and get scared and thirsty. Such common things.

And yet—the Book is so much more than words on a page. It’s:

  • Light
  • Hammer
  • Sword
  • Honey

It’s a Living Message that does something to the heart of the reader.
It convinces. [And convicts and instructs and corrects and empowers.]

One thing’s for sure.
God doesn’t try to confuse us.
This Book is not a mystery; it’s all about revelation and clarity.
It’s God bending down and looking us in the eye and using words we can understand—to show us who He is.

We see it over and over again: The God of the universe clothing His incredible, powerful, eternal, only-from-God life in common, dusty, fragile, frail human garb.

  • God breathes His own spirit into two little dust-people.
  • He has a personal name.
  • The Invisible Indescribable lives with His people in a Tent in the desert.
  • He puts on a human body and arrives in a stable.
  • He lives in the heart of every believer.

And in this Book: He tells us what we need to know, in words we can read and think about.

God communicates with us.
That’s what I’m impressed with!
It’s the most simple and profound Message ever written.
A treasure in a clay pot.
And it’s for our blessed benefit.

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About the Author

Jill Goring is a lover of God’s Word with a passion for seeing it communicated clearly. She is a veteran missionary, Bible translator, translation consultant and trainer, and conducts communication and translation workshops around the world.

She is the author of the RockSolidKids Bible curriculum [greatly enhanced by Ruth Brendle’s creative supplements and editing!], grateful wife of Larry, mom of two and proud ‘Gigi’ to five amazing grandchildren, RSK lovers all.

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