Volume 5: The Rescuer, Part 2 [Lessons 85-102: The Four Gospels, Acts 1-2] (In Progress)
We take our time with Jesus, the disciples, and the growing caravan from Caesarea to Golgotha, from the ‘hosanas’ of the triumphal entry to the darkest hours when God shook the world and blacked out the sun. The Perfect Lamb of God dies for the sins of the world. The grave is conquered-- the church is born—God’s rescue plan is complete! Students take time to review ‘how it all fits’ [the prophecies and their fulfillments], think about The Best News Ever, and celebrate!
- I tell you the truth, Jesus said, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life! John 5:24