Everything From Nothing! God Did That!

(Goes With RSK Lesson 5)

No one has ever seen a quark or an antiquark or a hadron or a black hole.
But all self-respecting scientists believe in them because they see the evidence of their existence and they connect the dots.
That’s what God asks us to do when we look at creation.

It’s true—we can’t see God with our eyes.
But ever since God created the world, there has been enough
evidence that any thinking person can look around and say:
Wow! There had to be SOMEONE here before all this started!
And He must be VERY powerful.

The Christian faith is not ‘closing your eyes and hoping.’
It is not irrational.
I was fascinated to read about the impressive number of molecular biologists, biochemists, theoretical astrophysicists, and others with long academic degrees behind their names who believe the evidence they see in creation.
Two of many voices from the top of the scientific scholarly ladder:

Ironically, the picture of the universe bequeathed to us by the most
advanced twentieth-century science is closer in spirit to the vision
presented in the book of Genesis than anything offered by science
since Copernicus.1


…This one world is the way it is because it is the creation of the will
of a Creator who purposes that it should be so.2

As Lee Strobel notes in The Case for a Creator, “What we see in creation is consistent with what we read in the Bible: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

Creation is a big deal in the Bible.
God starts there, and He keeps coming back to it, from Job and the prophets and Psalms to Romans and Revelation.
God wants us to know Him, to believe Him, to trust Him.
And the first big thing He asks us to believe is Genesis 1.

There is a God.
He is big enough and good enough and imaginative enough and
wise enough to create the universe just by speaking!
In fact—it’s impossible to please God unless we believe that most
basic thing.

So let’s focus on Creation for seven days. That seems only fair ☺.
Sure, we could just read through Genesis 1 and make lists and charts and hurry on to the next chapter.
But why not take time to look at the evidence?
Spending seven days listening, discovering, reading, talking, doing, thinking, singing, drawing and researching is barely a start. [And you’ll probably decide to linger much longer there.] But I think it will be enough to convince your kids:

The heavens declare God’s glory;
The skies display His amazing handiwork.

This True Story starts ‘In the Beginning’ and ends with lots of singing about what happened ‘In the Beginning’!

You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power
Because You created everything!
You are the one who wanted to create them!
And You are the one who brought them all into existence!

These seven creation lessons are just a warm-up; a little practice for when we
get to chime in with the Revelation Choir.

Scriptures referenced: Romans 1:20; Hebrews 11:3, 6; Psalm 19:1; Revelation 4:11.
1 Glynn, Patrick, God: The Evidence
2 Dr. John Polkinghorne, theoretical physicist, respectfully offering his ‘possible, equally intellectually
respectable, and elegant’ explanation of the miracles of the universe.

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About the Author

Jill Goring is a lover of God’s Word with a passion for seeing it communicated clearly. She is a veteran missionary, Bible translator, translation consultant and trainer, and conducts communication and translation workshops around the world.

She is the author of the RockSolidKids Bible curriculum [greatly enhanced by Ruth Brendle’s creative supplements and editing!], grateful wife of Larry, mom of two and proud ‘Gigi’ to five amazing grandchildren, RSK lovers all.

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