Heart Matters
meditations from a grateful heart
Heart Matters grew out of my journey writing the Bible curriculum RockSolidKids: Drawing Kids Close to God’s Unchanging Heart. (Hence the lesson title & number on some meditations below.) With each lesson, there were so many overflow blessings! (Aren’t there always, when we’re in God’s Word?) Good things that didn’t make it into the day’s lesson for kids, but just had to be shared with their teacher. And so the first page of each lesson became a just-between-you-and-me-heart-thoughts, extra-blessings page.
[To reflect the flow of the lessons, new posts show last on the list. Click here to jump to last. ]
Because . . .
My heart matters. I can’t read the Bible without being blessed. It engages my heart and soul and mind.
Your heart matters. Are you teaching a lesson? Just sitting down for your daily Bible reading? I hope these ‘overflow blessings’ will bless your heart too.
God’s Great, Good Unchanging Heart matters most of all.
We’ll never get tired of noticing every good and perfect gift that comes from that Heart, right?

-Psalm 27:8
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Everything From Nothing! God Did That!
(Goes With RSK Lesson 5) No one has ever seen a quark or an antiquark or a hadron or a black hole.But …
Light! Sky!
(Goes With RSK Lesson 6) Let there be light.The first words spoken in this universe. God’s words.God’s character. God is light, and …
Oceans! Land! Plants!
(Goes With RSK Lesson 7) Remember getting a place ready before your baby was born?Whether it was a dresser drawer or a …
Sun! Moon! Stars!
(Goes With RSK Lesson 8) I stand amazed.And most often, what others have already said is so much more eloquent than what …
All the Amazing Animals!
(Goes With RSK Lesson 9) Animals are just a hoot, aren’t they?Majestic… awesome… gorgeous… funny… cuddly… lovable… scary!They make you want to …
People! That’s Perfect!
(Goes With RSK Lesson 10) When it comes to describing human beings, two extremes are common in current world views. We either …
The Days of Elijah
(Goes with Lesson 60) Would you please bring me a little water in a cup? said Elijah to the widow of Zarephath.The …
About the Author
Jill Goring is a lover of God’s Word with a passion for seeing it communicated clearly. She is a veteran missionary, Bible translator, translation consultant and trainer, and conducts communication and translation workshops around the world.
She is the author of the RockSolidKids Bible curriculum [greatly enhanced by Ruth Brendle’s creative supplements and editing!], grateful wife of Larry, mom of two and proud ‘Gigi’ to five amazing grandchildren, RSK lovers all.